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Travel to New Brunswick

11 motorcyclists took part in the trip to New Brunswick, all of whom mentioned that they liked it so much that they want to do this kind of trip again the following year.

Travel of 2 weeks the first we toured NB 2 nights with a brother in St-Jacques then 2 nights with another brother in Tracadie Sheila to then go 3 days in the Shediac region.

We crossed over to St. Andrews to spend the second week in the US for 2 nights at Hampton Beach. We got to experience riding without a helmet in Maine and New Hampshire.

After that we spent the balance of the week camping on an AME member’s land in the Adirondacks NY to do a few outings like Lake Placide, Whiteface Mountain and Lake Georges.

The trip was blessing for the travelers and also those who received us who live in remote areas, we sing and pray together.

Our brother who received us in St-Jacques had health problems and had been to see his doctor so before leaving we all lay hands on him and ask the Lord for healing for his body.

3 days later we received a call from him that his doctor found no more problems and that he was healed so everyone was greatly encouraged and blessed during this fantastic trip.