A word from the founder - Alain Cossette (Plume)
Hello and welcome to our website
l’Association Motocycliste Evangélique
I have had in my heart a desire to bring together evangelical Christian motorcyclists from all regions for a very long time. I saw Christians who loved GOD and could not meet and fellowship as they would have liked due to different situations or obligations. I saw divisions, impediments and all kinds of things that hampered the brothers and sisters to come together and live their freedom to be in the same family, I wanted a reunification that unites and brings together in complete freedom the brothers and sisters without constraints and without other obligations than to love one another as brothers and sisters saved by the same Lord.
As the first year, we have many enriching encounters with them. Whether in a rally with other groups, trips, ballads or our first barbecue at the end of the year. I am convinced that coming together and fraternizing is not a waste of time, but rather a force that stimulates and encourages us. Because our first duty is to love one another and to make known the love that GOD has for all. How to recognize true Christians? By the love they have between them.
Enjoy your visit and may GOD bless you abundantly.
Your humble servant, Alain (Plume) Cossette
Who are we ?
AME is an association of evangelical Christian motorcyclists from various regions and from different evangelical churches. Its members are free to travel as well as to meet to share their common passions for Christ and motorcycles.
Registered persons have access to a directory of members and several online tools to facilitate outings and the organization of departures. This member directory is accessible online to any registered person and thus allows them to contact other members to organize a trip, an activity or simply ride with brothers and sisters.
This list also includes an information section on the services that each person is, voluntarily, available to do for other members of the association. Example: those who can and who want to welcome members traveling in their region for a good coffee, a space for a tent on their land or a helping hand to troubleshoot a motorcycle that has a problem.
Being a member of AME has no obligation other than to live by the principles of the Word of God (Bible). Of course, members must behave appropriately among brothers and sisters in JESUS CHRIST with love and respect.
And who knows, if true lasting friendships will not be formed over time as the word of God tells us! “We who are many are one body in our union with Christ, and we are all members of one another.” (Romans 12.5)